Connections Have Transformed Me

I continue to learn and connect with great people who share most eloquently what I would like to say. Thanks Paul for such a great post on our connected experience . Rhonda , yes it is all about the people and you all have enriched my life as well as helped me to become a better person. I cannot believe all the digital literacy skills I have developed while gaining new friends. How lucky am I? Thank you to Alec Couros, Mia Zamora and Howard Rheingold for having us participate in #ccourses. It was fun!

Connections have transformed me and allowed me to help School Counsellors do what they do by utilizing technology to impact students in a positive way. Thanks to all of my PLN in ETMOOC #etmooc and OCLMOOC  #oclmooc who continue to inspire and encourage me especially Alec and my co-conspirators . I am grateful !

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